Thorntree Forum

I registered at the Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree Forum, mainly to answer foreigners’ queries about hotels, tourist attractions, or other questions related to  the Philippines. Being a traveler myself, I do a lot of research about the place I am going to. I enter websites and forums to ask. Thinking of lending a helping hand, I registered.


I replied. I wrote a short message comparing food, transportation, accommodation, and attractions. Then a guy named HansChris wrote back calling me the “Philippine Tourist Board” and saying that I am claiming that the Philippines is better than Thailand.

The guy with a superiority complex even have a friend in the name of Leng who said that the Philippine Tourism is fucked up. HansChris also said this statement “Filipino food sucks. End of discussion” 

First, our tourism authority is in the lightweight division while Thailand’s is in the heavyweight level.

Second, food issue is relative. I like phad si ew, phadthai, and bami nam. These are Thai dishes that I find awesome! However, Thai food which are hot as hell are a big no-no to me. I don’t eat spicy food because my stomach can’t deal with them.  Last, I did not say that the Philippines is better than Thailand. What has he been smoking? I wonder why he accused me of that. I thought the following:

a. He has a comprehension problem.

b. He is an attention-seeker.

c. He is a frustrated fiction writer.

I requested him to display my message saying that THE PHILIPPINES IS BETTER THAN THAILAND. I told him that I will delete my account in Thorn Tree Forum if he can show it to me. 

We haven’t heard from him since.  

Explore posts in the same categories: Blitzkrieg, Lament

4 Comments on “Thorntree Forum”

  1. mapi Says:

    We haven’t heard from him since. – serves him right!

  2. Pinoy Says:

    Give me five,Mapi!

  3. daviduxresll Says:

    Do most people get the Mon after Easter off from work in large companies? Is a regular paid holidayfor jobs givingpaid holidays?

  4. whelfhot Says:

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